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Family Support Services

Family Support, funded by the Office for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), offers varied services to families with a son, daughter, or relative with intellectual disabilities and, in some instances, developmental delays living at home. The goal of Family Support is to provide families with the resources and services they need to maintain their family member at home.

Description of Services

The Arc of Rensselaer County Family Support Services provides the following services to families who live in Rensselaer County and occasionally others who may live in other counties:

In Home Services: Respite and other forms of habilitation services are provided to individuals in their home by trained staff. This type of support offers skilled assistance to the family member with a disability in developing new skills, typically while other family members attend to activities outside the home.

Hourly Respite: Provides short-term relief to primary caregivers. Social and recreational opportunities are provided one-on-one in the home or community.

Community Habilitation: Provides a goal based service, one-on-one in the home or community. Examples of some goal areas include hygiene, household chores, budgeting, or community inclusion.

Free Standing Respite: Provides weekend overnight respite services in a small home. Between four to six guests can be accomodated per weekend. Guests may choose to stay overnight or come for day visit. Guests engage in social and recreational opportunities while at the respite house.

Recreation: Provides evening and weekend recreational activities for teens and adults. These include a variety of community based opportunities for socialization, exercise and leisure.

Family Reimbursement: Provides financial resources to families that have a child with a disability when their needs cannot be met by any other resource. Examples include past due heating bills, clothing, school supplies, respite, and medical equipment not covered by insurance. 

FSS Application

Medically Frail Reimbursement: Provides financial resources to families whose children are medically vulnerable or frail. Examples include medical supplies, medications, equiptment, and transportation to appointments.

Guardianship: This service assists families through the legal process of becoming a guardian for an adult with a disability.  

Summer Camp: A six-week program offered from July-to August for children with or without disabilities. Ages range from five to twenty-one years old. Camp focuses on sports, science, nature and, arts and crafts. Weekly trips to Grafton State Park occur for hiking, swimming and games.