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Transition Services

The Arc of Rensselaer County assists high school students with the transition from high school to post graduation.
The Arc of Rensselaer County has a proud tradition of partnering with local school districts to offer innovative options for students with disabilities as they prepare to transition to life after high school. Our staff work with school personnel to provide person-centered transition planning to help young people develop a direction as they move into adulthood. Students learn about the work world directly from the business community through job tours and shadowing, internships and paid employment during their last few years of high school. In addition to learning job skills, young people learn many of the “soft skills” critical to long-term success in employment. Students interested in continuing their education after high school are provided assistance in preparing for college or trade school with activities such as completing college applications, applying for financial aid, touring local campuses, class scheduling and accessing campus resources. Young people are also provided assistance making connections with adult service providers prior to graduation to insure consistent supports are available. Our staff are a source of expertise in translating NYS Education Department graduation guidelines into supports that result in quality young adult outcomes upon graduation.

College Next & College Now

Provide assistance in exploring post-secondary education.

Work Base Learning

Provide hands on educational opportunities to prepare individuals for the work force.

Connect to Services

Provide assistance to connect to appropriate adult service providers.

WIOA Youth Program

Provide job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market.