You can offer support just by filling out a Membershp Form!
Great news! Membership is now FREE! In addition, after 5 years of signing up for membership you will be a LIFETIME MEMBER!
Membership is vital to support our efforts to advocate for and support hundreds of children and adults who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Increased membership results in more votes and a stronger voice to influence state legislators and national policy makers.
- Membership helps provide more support! If helps us have a larger group of people to ask for help when we need it. It can lead to us finding more volunteers, which helpsus expand and grow our programs.
- Your membership increases awareness leading to a better informed public. This helps us spread a message of acceptance for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Membership is the basic foundation on which The Arc of Rensselaer County, our State Organization (NYSARC, Inc.) and the National Association (The Arc) were established.
YOU can make a difference in someone’s life simply by signing up for Membership.
Please support us through your annual membership, and encourage a friend or a neighbor to join as well!
Become a Member Today
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Please consider making a donation. Every contribution matters and makes a difference