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The annual 2023 Membership Campaign is being held this year through the month of June.

Why is YOUR membership so important to us?

Although membership in The Arc of Rensselaer County may only cost a few dollars, it plays an important role in this agency’s efforts to advocate for and support hundreds of children and adults who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Increased membership results in more clout and a stronger voice to influence state legislators and national policy makers.
  • Membership helps provide more individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families, access to programs and services through fundraising and advocacy efforts. v Membership helps to recruit needed volunteers. As more volunteers are attracted to our work and mission, The Arc’s leadership base for the future can develop and grow.
  • Your membership increases awareness leading to a better informed public. This is a critical step in creating society-wide acceptance of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • As a member, you will help The Arc fulfill the many commitments to those they support. Membership dues generate funds to get the job done locally as well as on state and national levels.
  • Membership is the basic foundation on which The Arc of Rensselaer County, our State Organization (NYSARC, Inc.) and the National Association (The Arc) were established.

YOU do make a difference in someone’s life!

Your membership has a positive impact on the quality of life of people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families. Please support us through your annual membership, and encourage a friend or a neighbor to join as well! Download the Membership Brochure and share!

2024 Membership

Names and Email Address
No Charge for Staff & Advocate(see form below)

Staff and Adovates fill out the form below

Click here to fill out Membership form

Send filled form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.